We all do better in life when we know what our job is. It gives us a sense of purpose, a meaning to the sometimes-chaotic world. We know what is expected of us, how to do what is expected and if we have done it or not.
Well our animals are the same. If Fido’s job is to “protect” then reward him when he barks at someone at the door. A reward can be something as simple as a Thank You, Good Job! If he proceeds to bark you can “release” him from his duties. You could tell him good boy or girl I have it covered now.
Your energy must match what ever you are saying. They read our energy and telepathic thoughts. So if you are saying “good boy” and you are thinking “I wish he would shut up” the energy and telepathic communication is mixed.
It is similar to our own body language telling on us. If someone says “No” to you and they say this with their head nodding up and down, then you are receiving a mixed message. Word says NO body says YES. Subtle but taken in and processed as a mixed message.